Re-Launch and Transition to Telehealth Services


If you had asked me a year ago if I’d ever consider providing teletherapy (video-based mental health services), I would have emphatically said “no.” Fast forward 1+ years into COVID-19, and a lot has changed.

I continue to hold the traditional view and preference for in-person mental health services, when possible. There is so much gathered from in-person contact, so much that gets noticed and can be addressed in the moment when meeting in a room with a client. I have avoided providing teletherapy services in the past because I did not want to potentially miss the nuances that are picked up through in-person sessions, and the possibility of missed opportunities or connections. I also think that it is challenging, to say the least, and could be developmentally not indicated, to provide telehealth services to infants and young children (ages 0-7).

That said, after over a year of seeing telehealth provided to clients, despite the barriers mentioned, I have altered my perspective and now feel more comfortable stepping into this new format of therapy provision. I have witnessed how teletherapy services make mental health services potentially more accessible for many individuals, including those who may have barriers related to transportation or locating a culturally-matched provider in their region. I have experienced how convenient it is to simply log into a secure, video-based platform with the click of a link, and to connect virtually. I have seen platforms get upgraded and technological issues get resolved, to support seamless services without many interruptions. I have noticed clients also become more adept with the “new norm” of technology and video-based sessions with their providers. This is the new direction of mental health services and I am ready to be on board!

After taking a temporary leave of absence during 2020 mainly due to COVID-19, I have relaunched my private practice to provide exclusively teletherapy-based services. I have also now paneled as an in-network provider with Kaiser Permanente (and have maintained being paneled in-network with Blue Shield of California). It has always been my goal to provide culturally-attuned services to clients, and this new shift in my practice will allow me to reach more clients in California, and support their access to mental health services. I am looking forward to this new path!

Shereen Khan-Amrikani